Angol tétel: Holidays

Angol tétel: Holidays. Nem túl bonyolult, akár szóbelire is felhasználhatod. A2, B1 szintre bőven elég! 


For birthdays friends and family members give usually flowers or little presents just like CD-s or books. People give parties to celebrate their birthday. They invite their friends or go out together. For little kids mothers prepare delicious home-made cakes and put candles on it. The person who has birthday blows the candles.

My favourite family festival is Christmas, when the hole family gets together. On Christmas Eve people decorate a Christmas tree. We put presents under the tree and have fun. We play a lot with our new board games. On the next day, families have big lunch or dinner together.

We also celebrate Mother’s Day. Children buy flowers or prepare little gifts, drawings or paintings for their mothers. There is also a children’s day, when parents buy something to their children or take them somewhere exciting, to the zoo or to the theme park.

The 14th of February is Valentine’s Day. This is the lovers’ day when people send cards to their beloved someone. Sometimes this is a secret who sent the card.

On the 8th of March we celebrate women. Usually husbands give flowers or chocolate to their wives or to their collegues at the workplace.

On the 1st of November this is all hallow’s day, when people go to the cemeteries.

My favourite festival is Christmas, it symbolizes peace and love. I like the flavour of gingerbread. Christmas is important for me as I can spend more time with my parents who are divorced. There is no work, no school, so I can spend more time also with my friends! We go out, sledge, ice-skate or just have fun together.

